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  • brian mclaren

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    Monday, March 28th, 2005

    I know I owe you a reflective post about McClaren’s book, but I have too much to say and not enough time to write it. I’m about half way through it so far, and I’m thoroughly enjoying the journey. I’m not sure I agree with all of it, but I think that’s partly the point. [...]

    Calling all “New Christians”

    Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005

    Matt and Bob, I finally got the book this afternoon. I probably should have been reading tonight, instead of bloggin’, but I’ve only completed the introduction so far. If the rest of the book lives up to the intro, I’m psyched. McClaren’s asking the right questions, and at least setting himself up as not having [...]

    Last call to join the club

    Monday, March 14th, 2005

    This week is the last call to join Bob, Matt and me in our experimental online quasi-book club. We’ll start posting reflections on chapter one of Brian McLaren’s New Kind of Christian next week. Reply to this post if you want to join the fun.

    Join the Club

    Thursday, February 24th, 2005

    In response to an earlier post about Brian McLaren, Matt Kruse (a Boston-area church planter) and I have decided to read A New Kind of Christian together and compare notes online. Anyone else want to join our pseudo book club experience?

    A fresh face, refreshing voice

    Monday, February 7th, 2005

    One of Time’s 25 was a man named Brian McLaren. Although I’ve heard his name mentioned a couple times in the last few years, I had never read any of his books, heard him speak, or known much about his ministry. But after watching the clips from his appearance on Larry King last week, I’m [...]

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