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    By Jeremy | August 2, 2006

    My friend and ministry partner sent the following email this morning. Saturday marks the one year anniversary since his son Caleb Stevens died tragically in a car accident during Chain Reaction. Please keep Matt and Katy and their boys Joshua, Micah, and Jacob in your prayers this weekend.
    This Saturday will mark one year since Caleb went home. To be quite honest it has been an intensifying struggle for all of us. The days of this past year have been marked with tears, grief and questions. But in all frankness, every time we find ourselves overwhelmed, hope takes over. Jesus meets us every time and I am thankful that He has not allowed the grief to consume us. I think I am beginning to understand more about God and His presence in each of our lives more so than I ever have before.
    After 9/11 we were leading a team into NYC to try and help with some of the relief work there. As we approached the city we were all taken by the scars that appeared in the absence of the missing buildings. Somebody in the group mentioned that we should pray but in a certain context. Scars aren’t only a sign of pain, but also of healing that has come. We prayed that healing would come to NYC that day.
    In our family there is a scar. That scar signifies more and more each day of the healing that is taking place in our souls.
    I hope that me sharing this with you encourages you and doesn’t bum you out. The bottom line is that in all you face in life, there is hope and in God you can move on to being healthy. I have a long way to go, but if I take it one day at a time, I and my family will make it.
    Please pray that your heart won’t grow hopeless from the overdoses of difficulties and life’s challenges.
    p.s. I'm on my way to Baltimore to spend a few days with the Stevens family and may or may not be able to blog from the road.

    Topics: Caleb, chain reaction, matt stevens, prayer alert | No Comments »

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