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  • luis velez

    Xcel and Xpress cofounders featured in new Bible

    Sunday, January 13th, 2008

    NIrV My City, My God GREAT FOR URBAN TEEN OUTREACH Within its contemporary cover are 32 color pages of photos and testimonies of teens from large cities that have chosen to live their lives for Christ, a dictionary/concordance, and a gospel presentation. The easy-to-read NIrV translation makes it perfect for teen outreach! 304 pages (5-1/4″ [...]

    My City My God — Cover Updates

    Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

    IBS has added three new cover design concepts for the forthcoming My City My God youth Bible. My favorite features images of Lou-Box and Kevin. Vote for your preference here.

    My City My God

    Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

    Help International Bible Society select the cover for its upcoming “My City MY God” urban youth themed Bible, which features testimonies from Xcel alumni Luis Velez and Kevin Cedeno as well as an introduction by Rudy Carrasco. Visit UYWIblog.com to cast your vote.

    Big year for graduates – much love and respect

    Sunday, May 15th, 2005

    2005 is shaping up to be a HUGE college graduation year for me. Last Saturday, Ahndrea Allen got the party started by completing Northeastern University. Ahndrea was in my youth group for five or so years before moving to Boston for college. She’s a track star and musical standout who is currently deciding between offers [...]