Urban Youth Workers Institute celebrates schools this month in a guest post by Jeremy Del Rio. Help us brainstorm creative ways to express thanksgiving for/to schools tangibly this season (and beyond).  Here are our initial ideas.

  1. In the short week before Thanksgiving, bring breakfast to the office and teacher’s lounge one day before classes start.
  2. Learn the names of the teachers and staff and personalize letters of gratitude for their service.
  3. Invite church members to adopt school staff members for Christmas, and give them a gift that’s meaningful to them (not a free Bible and gospel tract).
  4. Make staff and teacher appreciation part of the culture of your organization.  Find out if the school already has a mechanism to celebrate their effort, and enhance what already exists.  If something isn’t in place, offer to sponsor and help produce it.
  5. Sponsor a year-end award for outstanding teachers and/or students the teachers recommend.
  6. BONUS IDEA: perform an extreme makeover of the Teachers Lounge during winter or spring vacation.

What do you think? Please add your ideas in the comments.

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